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Berlin Partner go East Africa – Talent Bridging in Nairobi, Kigali and Kampala

European Talent Mobility Forum

Berlin Partner für Wirtschaft und Technologie GmbH, its partner AfricaBerlin Network together with Future Place Leadership are connecting the Berlin ecosystem with one of Africa’s leading startup and innovation hubs.

Africa is the fastest-growing continent with a large number of young, talented professionals. We are taking the opportunity to meet with students and graduates on-site at universities and visit local talent service providers such as coding schools in Kigali and Kampala. In addition to that, our delegation of 20 partner organisations from Berlin region and our European Talent Mobility Forum network will be visiting Africa’s startup and innovation hub in Nairobi, including adjoining site visits in Kigali and Kampala with a focus on talent activities. Finally, from 14 to 17 February 2023, we will join the Africa Tech Summit in Nairobi.

If you are interested in reading more about the initiative and programme, visit the programme page here.

What is it all about?

Future Place Leadership’s Senior Talent Consultant Nicole van Haelst, and a part time Kinshasa, Congo, resident, is coordinating the trip for Berlin Partners. Aim is for the participants to explore opportunities to set up a talent bridge between the business communities both on sides of the Mediterranean.

The programme is open to our partners in the European Mobility Forum network as well, as a great chance to create a mobility bridge on a wider European level – beyond Berlin.

This year, for the first time, we have registered more requests from Africa than from South America. We think this is more than just a trend. We also see that some companies in Berlin do not hire at the moment or even lay off. From our point of view, however, Africa is not a pool from which talent can be recruited for Berlin in the short term. Building a bridge between Africa and Berlin/Europe takes longer and should not be a one-way street”. – Burkhard Volbracht, Head of Unit, Talent & International at Berlin Partner

We are going on a mission to find out how closer cooperation between continents, countries and regions might resolve labour market challenges. The premise: Inviting African talent to relocate to Europe as an option. But not only that, also individuals and teams working remotely, exchange programmes between universities or investing in start ups too. The focus is on opportunities for collaboration and common initiatives. We will dive deeper in the specific drivers of talent – German and African alike – and how to respond to these with customized, attractive propositions.

More information

We will update you on the trip in our blog afterwards, but if your region would be interested in a similar trip and learnings garnered from it, don’t hesitate to drop Nicole a message!


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